
If you have a time machine, want to go to past or future?

Publish Date: 09 Dec 2021

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If you have a time machine, want to go to past or future?

Which time period would you love to live in?

We’ve all heard our parents and grandparents lamenting how the times have changed and how things were better “back then”, which sometimes makes us yearn to live “back then” and experience life when “things were better”.

But when you think about it, you’ll find that in the future you will say the same thing to younger generations, you might even find yourself saying similar things right now because as technology advances and the pace of life becomes faster and faster we feel more pressured by everything around us and we feel that “back then” things were much better and we didn’t have so much stress.

The truth is each stage in your life is different from the one before or after, otherwise your will life will be stagnant and you won’t advance or feel any sense of accomplishment.

In celebration of Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day let’s pretend you have a time machine and you can go back or forward in time, but you will be the same age a you are now, with the same finances. Which will you choose, the past or the future?


Time Travel to the Future


When we think of the future we always envision a technologically advanced era with flying cars and A.I everywhere. The more technology advances the more it will affect the economy, the standard of living, and how people handle money which leads to one of two results:

  1. If you are an adventurous person: in this case learning new ways of investing should be very exciting for you. These new investing methods may even be easier in the future since all the technological advancements are really there to make life easier anyway. In this case you will find your life much more enjoyable and easier than before.
  2. If you are a very cautious person: you could always view the future in a very different light as you will not know the investment methods of the time and their downsides and how to avoid them. This is in addition to the fact that “safe investing” could be very different in the future than it is now which could cause you to be very anxious about your money and finances.


Downside of the future:


                The downside is that no matter how much money you currently have and take with you, the inflation rate will still have risen in the intervening years and thus your money will have less value.


The value of your money in the past is greater than now, and you will know to buy everything you want


Time Travel to the Past


Traveling to the past provides the chance to take advantage of all the missed opportunities that passed you by and those you know will affect your financial status greatly in the future. Whether you are an adventurous or cautious person you will still be able to guarantee to a certain extent the success of whichever field you will invest in. For example:

  • You can buy your dream home for a very cheap price (compared to the future).
  • You can invest your money in the field you know will bring the most return (can you imagine buying Apple stock before it became “Apple”!).


Advantages of going back to the past:


  • Your money will be worth more than today (lower inflation rate) which means you will be able to live very well and buy whatever you want.
  • You know exactly what’s going to happen in the coming years so you can take advantage of many upcoming opportunities.


Downside of going back to the past:


One of the most accepted time travel theories states that any changes you make in the past will affect the future. As a result, any changes you make in the past to improve your financial situation may have untold effects on others in the future or even yourself so be careful.

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