
How Does Marketing Benefit Society and Job Development?

Publish Date: 01 Oct 2020

Finance Today

How Does Marketing Benefit Society and Job Development?

How does marketing affect the economy?

Although people may think that the economy is completely separate from marketing the two are in fact closely related and not just through supply and demand also through economic developments that move the market.


Marketing showcases market interests


The goal of marketing campaigns is to display the available products in an appropriate form to attract customers, and for marketing companies to come up with ideas that grab consumers’ attention they conduct surveys and market research in order to find out what consumers are interested in or even the problems they face and thus provide marketing campaigns that can reach them on an intellectual or personal level.


Through this research, they can anticipate the direction the market is moving which is very important for companies because it shows which products people are really interested in and which products they don’t want or need and as a result companies can direct their production in the right way.


Marketing has many components between research, advertising and sales, and therefore it creates many jobs between the people responsible for research, the people responsible for writing marketing campaigns and the salespersons responsible for finding customers, and therefore it remains an important part of the market movement.


Marketing creates a competitive environment


Through marketing campaigns, companies can identify their competition, and the products and offers they have on the market. As a result companies are always in competition to offer better deals and products to the customers. 

This ensures customers receive better quality and prices. 


Marketing creates jobs


Marketing has many components between research, advertising and sales, and therefore it creates many jobs between the people responsible for research, the people responsible for writing marketing campaigns and the salespersons responsible for finding customers, and therefore it remains an important part of the market movement.


What are some problems facing marketing companies?


The main problem faced by marketing companies is that marketing can contribute to societal pressure by deluding people that they are supposed to maintain a certain living standard and that if their lives are not exactly as advertised then they are not living as they should, or that they are not working hard enough, or that they are doing something wrong. 


Marketing campaigns can do this by conveying one point of view and showing it as THE only right way to live. Currently marketing companies are becoming more aware of this problem and many companies have started creating marketing campaigns that take into account the target audience’s way of life instead of forcing a specific idea upon them.

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