Publish Date: 09 Aug 2020 Finance Today
Today, it is a widely held belief that cryptocurrency could be the financial future of the world.
A cryptocurrency, also known as crypto, is a decentralized, encrypted digital currency used to buy goods and services, although most people tend to see them as investments, much like other assets, such as stocks for instance. This currency is based on blockchain technology, which is an open distributed online ledger that records transactions in code. In simpler terms, it’s like a small checkbook that is circulated across numerous computers globally. Transactions are recorded in “blocks” linked together on a “chain” of transactions.
The most popular versions which you may already be familiar with are Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, you might not know that there are actually over 6,000 different cryptocurrencies in circulation worldwide.
Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, was designed and popularised by Satoshi Nakamoto in his paper titled, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.”, where he describes it as “an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust."
You might not know that there are actually over 6,000 different cryptocurrencies in circulation worldwide.
Cryptocurrencies' total value on April 13, 2021, was over $2.2 trillion, and the total value of all Bitcoin is currently about $1.2 trillion.