
When to Check Your Mirrors While Driving

Publish Date: 08 Mar 2022

Fun facts

When to Check Your Mirrors While Driving

If you break suddenly you need to check your rearview mirror

One of the things that always frustrate newbie drivers is needing to check their car mirrors all the time. Read on to find out when you should check your mirrors and when you don’t need to and avoid distractions while driving.


Don’t check your mirrors:


As long as you remain in the same lane don’t distract yourself by constantly checking your mirrors


Eight common mistakes that will ruin your automatic transmission


Check your mirrors if:


  • You are changing lanes
  • You are breaking hard suddenly
  • You need to break to slow down or to avoid a speed bump


Watch this video for more tips on when to check your mirrors


Pay attention


Always maintain an appropriate speed while driving. Don’t slow down to a crawl in narrow streets to avoid the anger of drivers behind you. Note that if the street can only accommodate one car at a time there is no need to constantly check your rearview mirror as the car behind you will not be able to bypass you.


Rookie mistakes when driving a manual transmission


Don’t surprise your fellow drivers


Always respect traffic rules. Use your signals if you need to turn left or right and don’t forget to check your side mirrors first because if you turn suddenly the driver behind you won’t have time to avoid you and this will be your fault. However, if you need to brake to avoid hitting a child for example and the person behind you was unable to brake on time then the fault lies with them not you.


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