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3 Tips to Pick the Perfect Credit Card For You!

Publish Date: 21 Nov 2021

Money Tips

3 Tips to Pick the Perfect Credit Card For You!

Visa Card or Mastercard?

Your choice of credit card primarily depends on your needs and financial situation, but some hesitate when deciding whether to get a credit card or not. In this article we’ll show you how to choose the perfect card for you and explore some benefits of having a credit card. 


1-Visa Card or Mastercard?


If you wish to apply for a Credit Card you need to know the card benefits first before making a decision based on your needs. An important step is to decide whether your card should be a Visa card or a Master card.


Visa Card Benefits:


  • It is very easy to communicate directly with the card issuing company to find out more about your card and which benefits are offered to Visa Card holders.
  • In case you lose your card you can always communicate with the card company and request a replacement very easily. The company may also provide a sum of money for your use if needed until the replacement card is available.
  • If your card is stolen or you suspect you are the victim of credit card fraud you must contact the card issuer immediately to deactivate your card and inform them of any suspicious financial movements.


If your card is lost or stolen you must contact the card issuing company 


Mastercard benefits:


  • If your card is lost or stolen you must contact the card issuing company through their hotline available worldwide, and a new card will be provided to you as fast as possible.


  • Travel privileges: if you love traveling and tend to visit different places around the world often then Mastercard is the best choice for you as it provides several travel benefits such as:
    • Lowest available room price: if you book a room and after arriving at the hotel you find the current room price lower than your booking price the company will reimburse the difference.
    • Early check-in and late check out privileges (available in more than 2000 locations worldwide).
    • When you buy your plane ticket with Mastercard the bank may provide an airport escort to assist you. This feature is available in over 700 destinations worldwide.


2-What are your interests?


Is shopping your passion? Then try to pick a credit card that has the most discounts and offers at your favorite stores. This way you can profit from the Bonus Points/Reward Programs awarded by the credit card company such as:

  • Cash Back programs: the credit card company gives back a percentage of what you spent in the form of cash amounts which you can withdraw or use for further purchases.
  • Vouchers: offers and discounts to be used at various stores and merchants.
  • Travel Miles: you can use them to book plane tickets.


3-Never forget the Minimum Payment!


You must remember the monthly minimum payment for each card you use (usually around 5% of the credit card debt). If you have an account where you get your paycheck deposited at the same bank you can instruct them to withdraw the minimum payment directly each month from your account and/or pay off your credit card debt automatically, which is why you should find the bank that offers the longest Grace Period.


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