Publish Date: 10 Jan 2022 Money Tips
These are some tips and tricks we offer to help you regulate your finances in 2022. Follow these steps and don’t forget to learn from your mistakes as you go:
How many times have you made the decision to save but then flake out? In 2022 make saving up your priority. Open a savings account at the bank of your choice and deposit a percentage of your income in it each month.
An alternative to saving on your own are money circles or Gam3eyas. This is considered the optimal choice if you are just unable to commit to saving on your own each month. A money circle will force you to save up a specific amount of money (of your choice according to the money circle you participate in). If you are the first person to receive the gam3eya money (one person receives the full amount each month for the duration of each gam3eya) then you can consider the gam3eya payment each month as if you bought an item and you’re paying for it in installments without interest.
These are banking products offered by most banks that can help you save money. How they work is you deposit a certain amount in the bank (usually in increments of 1000 EGP) which is then put aside by the bank and “locked” out of your reach in the form of CDs or TDs for a specific period of time (1 year, 3 years, 5 years, or longer). The bank uses this money to invest in other areas and in exchange you receive a monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, or annual interest.
Choose the best CDs and TDs here on Faydety!
The stock market is the venue where the shares of publicly held companies are sold and bought. It has become a major part of the Egyptian economy and an indicator of the investment margins in the country. Investments in the stock market can be in large or small amounts.
Find out more about the stock market here: What is the stock exchange? Know more about what are shares?
To start any project you must have an idea you believe in and that can make an impact on the market place by providing a needed service or commodity.
An insurance policy will help you save money in the long run and will also be your best friend in times of need. Simply put it is a social system that is applicable to both individuals and companies, the goal of which is to assist said individual or company in overcoming any damages or losses incurred through an accident/emergency. Most insurance companies have different insurance packages on offer according to your needs.
Choose the best insurance system for you using Faydety!