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How to Protect Your Savings During a Financial Crisis

Publish Date: 22 Jul 2020

Money Tips

How to Protect Your Savings During a Financial Crisis

How to be aware and towards any financial crisis?

The best way to protect yourself against waves of financial crises is to diversify your savings. In addition, you should stay away from impulsive purchases, which can drain your budget fast. That is why we have compiled some tips that can help you preserve your savings during a financial crisis. 


1. Saving Up


By saving, we don’t just mean bank deposits or time certificates, but having more than one type of savings. So, you can have some of your money in cash, and some of it as investment in real estate or gold so that it isn’t subjected to inflation, which decreases its value.

If you choose to invest in real estate, choose something within well-established cities. The problem with new cities is that their value isn’t established, so it could fall during a financial crisis. 

If you choose gold, then go for gold bullions or bars rather than jewelry.


2. Diversify Your Investment Portfolio


If you already have an investment portfolio, then it is better if most of it is in cash rather than stocks, because the stock market is the first to fall during a financial crisis. In case of stocks, it is also better to focus on established institutions, whose stocks will not be affected by the crisis, like hospitals.


3. Don’t Put Your Eggs in One Basket


Don’t ever pool your money in one place, which is the lesson everyone learnt during the 2008 financial crisis, because even the biggest banks can fall.

The best way to protect yourself against waves of financial crises is to diversify your savings.


4. Open an Emergency Fund Account


Open a savings account for emergencies only, and don’t come near it.


5. Stay Away From Risky Investments


A financial crisis is not the time to take risks, but if you must, keep it as small as possible.


6. Consumerism Is Your no.1 Enemy


Controlling your spending habits and expenses during a financial crisis is essential to protect yourself from any fiscal problem. So, stay away from any unneeded expense or impulse purchases. This will also help you in the long run by establishing a frugal behavior that will stay with you long after the crisis is over.

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